Project Management in the UK Construction Industry: The Complete Guide

Jun 13, 2024

Construction project management is the organisation and supervision of a construction project from start to finish, ensuring the project meets its objectives within the specified time frame and budget.

There are a number of types of construction projects in the UK such as commercial, residential, industrial, civil engineering, etc, but one thing that all project types have in common is the need for effective project management to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Common Challenges Facing Construction Project Managers in the UK

There are a number of clear challenges that construction project managers are commonly faced with in the UK and globally.

Some of the typical obstacles in construction projects could be defined as:

  • Poorly defined goals

  • Bad communication

  • Lack of skills

  • Adverse levels of risk 

  • Delays in the project

  • Budget constraints 

  • Unrealistic deadlines

Mitigating the Risks - How To Manage Construction Projects Effectively 

Although there are significant challenges in the construction industry due to the unpredictable nature of the work, there are a number of actions the project managers can take to mitigate the risk of these challenges and ensure a reliable delivery of the project objectives.

Defining and Controlling the Budget

In order to manage a construction project effectively the project managers need to keep tight control of the budget.

This means not only clearly defining the budget from the outset of the project, but also keeping regularly updated on the cost of the project as the work is ongoing.

This includes closely monitoring any expenditure to ensure that the budget does not overrun.

In-depth Analysis

To ensure the construction project goes smoothly, the project managers must conduct an in-depth analysis of the project objectives and limitations.

This includes highlighting the risks from any problems that the project may face and taking steps to mitigate these.

Carry Out a Feasibility Study 

This stage of the planning process is vital as it allows project managers to ascertain whether or not the project is viable, with a balanced view of the arguments for and against undertaking the project. During the feasibility study, it may be discovered that the costs are too great or the project is otherwise unfeasible, so it is crucial that this stage of the planning process is not missed.

Set Up a Communication Plan

Good communication on construction projects is vital and this includes having a specific document that details the framework of communications across the company. How will you contact stakeholders, what will they be updated on and how often will this be scheduled? These are the sorts of questions that the communication plan should answer.

Utilise the Available Technology

Although the construction industry is perhaps one of the oldest professions—dating back to the dawn of humanity—this does not mean that construction professionals need to use the same methods and technology used by neolithic settlers.

Often, experienced construction professionals will make the mistake of avoiding the most high-tech construction tools that are available to them due to a lack of familiarity. 

When your profession is in bricks and mortar, it can seem quite alien to enter a world of building information management software, construction project management tools, and cloud computing.

However, neglecting to adopt the latest tools of the trade may impact the competitiveness of any construction business.

You don't need to be an expert in cloud data storage to make full use of the advantages this can bring to your company. A professional construction solutions provider can deal with the technical side and any troubleshooting issues, whilst providing a bespoke package of IT solutions that will benefit your business.

Technology Used in Construction Project Management 

Increasingly, construction project managers are looking towards technology and, specifically, construction project management software to make the overall task of construction management a much more fluid process.

Construction project management software can help to streamline operations and improve organisation and communication, whilst providing greater visibility and transparency over current jobs and their progress towards completion.

Some of the most effective construction project management tools include 

  • BuilderTrend

  • Leap

  • ContractForeman

  • ClickUp  

  • OrangeScrum 

  • Asana

  • Clockify

  • OpenDocManager

Cloud-based Technology in Construction Project Management 

One of the more significant trends in construction project management is the use of cloud-based environments, with around 66% of construction professionals looking to switch to a fully remote, cloud-based setup within the next few years.

There are a number of factors that would explain this trend towards cloud-based solutions, based on the inherent advantages the technology can bring to the construction industry.

Cloud technology facilitates the effective management of projects from any location or device.

This means that whether you are working on-site on a build, working remotely from home, or in the office, your team can always have access to the data, systems, and communications needed.

This makes it much easier for project managers to stay informed of ongoing situations and manage risks effectively.

Apart from offering a more flexible and dynamic approach, cloud solutions provide construction businesses with virtually unlimited storage, unlimited computational power, and remote access to high-end graphics processors for designs and plans.

This means you won't have a situation where you are struggling on-site with a tablet freezing up trying to load some massive spreadsheet—team members on cloud-based environments simply link up to a virtual workstation with all the same corporate branding and computing power they would have back in the office when they access their desktop PC.

Contact Lyon

If you are looking to shift your construction projects to a remote setup, make use of cloud technology or adopt the most sophisticated tools to assist your construction business, our expert analysts can provide you with the practical information needed to make an informed decision.

At Lyon, we work closely with construction businesses in the UK, providing them with the technology and support needed to become key players in their market and stay ahead of the competition.

For more information on construction project management solutions, contact our expert advisors today so we can discuss the nature of your business and which options would be most effective.