Why London Architecture Firms Need to Move to the Cloud—Now

May 20, 2024

For architecture firms based in a busy city environment like London, maintaining a private server with traditional data storage is not only costly but also highly impractical for the dynamic nature of the work. 

Architects, engineers and construction firms (AEC) have one of the most challenging and data-intensive IT environments to work in. 

Large-sized files on programs such as Civil 3D and Revit need to be shared and seamlessly accessed by a range of team members in remote and on-site locations. As well as having adequate storage in terms of capacity, there also needs to be near-instant playback quality without any lagging or delays.

To get around this, it is often the case that engineers, architects and design teams need to be brought physically to the site where the data is stored, rather than the more obvious answer of sending the files to them—without an adequate cloud storage solution in place, while time-consuming, it is often still more cost-effective to go the long way around. 

Advantages of Cloud Solutions for London AEC

In order to stay competitive, most AEC firms in London are opting for cloud solutions in one form or another and this will represent the future for most industry sectors. There are a number of reasons that make cloud data storage and workspaces more suitable than traditional server-based options.

Dynamic, Flexible and Scalable

Operating in one of the most data-intensive and fast-paced industries, it is essential to be able to scale up or down systems as and when needed. The data also needs to be accessed reliably from any location at any time, on a range of devices with remote teams and multiple offices. 

With the majority of AEC firms’ working day being project-based, this means that there can be radically different requirements from one job to the next. The ability to ramp up operations in line with a dynamic and shifting work environment is vital for any London-based AEC firm. 

Cloud solutions allow you to expand without additional infrastructure costs. They also provide the unique opportunity of being able to scale back operations when assets are no longer required. If an AEC firm has already laid out the cost for a new on-site server and then decides they do not need it for another 12 months, there is no real way to scale that back once the equipment and infrastructure have been installed.

High-end Performance at Low Cost 

One of the previous misgivings about using cloud computing for AEC industries was the ability to draw on high-performance CPU processing power and specifically GPU power when needed. For most design projects and software used in architecture, a high-level graphics processor is required.

This is no longer an issue however due to advances in the technology associated with cloud solutions. As dedicated service providers, at Lyon, we supply AEC firms with remote desktops and workstations giving them instant access to what is known as virtual graphics processing units or vGPUs. These platforms operate a range of graphics processors including 

  • NVIDIA’s Tesla V100 GPU
  • NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPU
  • AMD Radeon Instinct MI25 GPU 
  • NVIDIA Ampere A100 80GB Tensor Core GPU


The advantage of cloud-based solutions and vGPUs is that no extra infrastructure costs need to be budgeted for, offering a fully dynamic solution that is cost-effective and more practical in terms of day-to-day operations. For example, if a client needs to see schematic designs and is not currently on-site, this does not present a problem for AEC firms using remotely accessed Workstations as a Service. The remote desktop interface and cloud data storage are available in any location and from any device—laptop, mobile or desktop PC. 

No Maintenance or Infrastructure Spending

No expensive equipment needs to be installed in order to run the processor-hungry graphics when using cloud solutions. Furthermore, maintaining and housing an on-site server can be a costly affair. For one thing, they are quite bulky items and if the AEC firm is based in London there is usually not enough room to sneeze, never mind storing a large-sized private server. You could probably run a small company just from the ground rent it takes up.

With cloud solutions you can have both your processing power and data storage held remotely so there is no need to lay out the cost for any of the equipment that would typically be needed.

No Backups are Needed and Immediate Disaster Recovery

One costly and time-consuming process for AEC firms is the provisioning of backup files in case of sudden data loss or disaster. For example, if the River Thames floods and your ground floor server is wiped out, you don’t want to tell the client that all is lost and, most likely, the contract with it. Regularly backing up important files can be an arduous process and takes time from daily operations.

Thankfully with cloud computing, there is no need to manually create backups and store them somewhere as the data is automatically backed up across a number of locations. 

Should disaster strike which it inevitably will if some form of technology is involved, either through network outage, power cuts, malware attacks or the Thames flooding into your offices, with cloud solutions the AEC firm can benefit from immediate disaster recovery, retrieving files and software that have been lost in a rapid timeframe, ensuring business continuity and improved competitiveness. 

Data Stored Safely With Increased Cyber Security

We provide a range of state-of-the-art security measures for AEC firms based out of the London area that are moving operations to the cloud. These include 

  • Network infrastructure analysis
  • Security operation monitoring
  • Penetration testing
  • Cyber security staff training 
  • Vulnerability management


With dedicated cyber security analysts on hand 24/7 to monitor incoming threats and potential vulnerabilities, whilst performing rigorous testing of existing security systems, AEC firms can rest assured that their data is fully secured, allowing them to focus their efforts on client-facing business.

Contact us to learn more about our cloud services for architecture at Lyon and find out how your AEC firm can benefit from a bespoke cloud solution package.

Streamlined Project Management: Tools and Apps for London Architecture Firms

Managing architectural projects can be a Herculean task, with numerous moving parts that demand constant attention. Thankfully, cloud-based tools have revolutionized project management for architects in London. With cloud solutions, you can integrate various aspects of project management seamlessly, from initial design sketches to final construction documents. 

One such tool is Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, which allows you to create and manage building data throughout its life cycle. BIM in the cloud provides real-time collaboration, making it easier to adapt designs based on client feedback or contractor input. Imagine accessing your latest project files from any device, ensuring that all stakeholders are always in sync and up-to-date. 

Additionally, there are numerous project management applications like Trello, Asana, and Microsoft Project that integrate effortlessly with cloud storage. These tools enable you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress, all within a centralized platform. The ability to track milestones and deliverables in real-time helps mitigate risks and keeps projects on schedule. 

Gone are the days of sifting through endless emails to retrieve a specific file. Cloud-based document management systems like Google Drive and Dropbox ensure that all your documents, high-resolution images, and complex 3D models are stored securely and are easily accessible. This unified storage system significantly reduces the time spent searching for files, allowing you to focus more on creative and strategic tasks. 

Even communication has been optimized through cloud-based apps such as Slack and Microsoft Teams. These platforms offer channels dedicated to different projects, fostering transparent and efficient teamwork. You can share updates, host video calls, and collaborate on documents in real-time, making project coordination smoother than ever before.

Step-by-Step Guide: Transitioning Your Architecture Firm to the Cloud

Transitioning your architecture firm to the cloud may seem daunting, but it can be broken down into manageable steps. By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure a smooth migration and take full advantage of cloud benefits. 

  1. Assess Your Current IT Infrastructure: Begin by taking a comprehensive look at your existing IT setup. Identify which systems and applications you currently use and determine how they can be integrated into cloud solutions.
  2. Choose the Right Cloud Service Provider: Not all cloud service providers are created equal. Research providers like we-IT, specifically tailored to architectural needs, to find a partner that offers the features and flexibility your firm requires.
  3. Create a Migration Plan: Develop a detailed roadmap outlining each phase of your migration. This plan should include timelines, resources required, key stakeholders, and contingency measures to address potential hiccups.
  4. Train Your Team: Cloud computing introduces new tools and methodologies. Equip your team with the skills needed to leverage these technologies through comprehensive training programs, ensuring everyone is prepared for the transition.
  5. Start with Non-Critical Data: Avoid disrupting your workflow by beginning with non-critical data and services. This allows you to iron out any issues before moving critical systems to the cloud.
  6. Ensure Compliance and Security: Verify that all data transferred to the cloud complies with industry regulations and is protected with advanced security measures. Engage with your provider to understand their security protocols and compliance certifications.
  7. Monitor and Optimize: After a successful migration, continually monitor performance. Utilize analytics tools to track usage and efficiency, making adjustments as necessary to optimize your cloud environment.

By systematically following these steps, you can ease the transition process, minimize risks, and harness the full power of the cloud, ensuring your architecture firm stays on the cutting edge of technology.

Real-Time Access: Empowering Architects with Instant Data and Resources

Imagine the convenience of having complete project data at your fingertips, whether you’re at a client meeting, on a construction site, or working remotely. With cloud technology, this isn't just a dream—it’s a daily reality. Architects no longer need to rely on being chained to their desktops. Instead, with real-time access to project data and resources, you can make informed decisions on the spot, significantly improving efficiency and client satisfaction. 

Accessing architectural software, design files, and project documents from any device with an internet connection means you have the freedom to collaborate and innovate from virtually anywhere. This level of mobility can revolutionize the way you work, allowing for seamless transitions between the office, home, and field without any loss in productivity. 

Moreover, cloud platforms often come equipped with advanced tools for real-time energy performance analysis and rendering, drastically reducing the time it takes to produce high-quality visuals and analyses. This means you can focus more on creativity and problem-solving, rather than waiting for progress bars to complete. 

The integration of cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) further amplifies the capabilities of cloud computing in architecture. These tools can be used to visualize projects in ways previously unimaginable, offering clients an immersive experience that can make your proposals more compelling and easier to understand. 

With cloud-based solutions providing such robust, real-time access to data and resources, London’s architectural firms can not only enhance their operational efficiency but also stay ahead in a competitive market. Adopting these technologies empowers you to deliver superior designs and services swiftly and reliably.

Overcoming Challenges: Tips for a Smooth Cloud Migration

Migrating to the cloud doesn't come without its hurdles. However, with the right approach and mindset, you can overcome these challenges efficiently. Here’s how: 

Start Small, Think Big 

Begin your cloud transition with non-critical applications and data. This will allow your team to familiarize themselves with the new process before moving on to more crucial components. In doing so, you can identify potential issues early and address them without risking major disruptions to your operations. 

Train Your Team 

Equip your team with the necessary skills and knowledge for cloud computing. Training sessions and workshops tailored to specific roles can ensure that everyone is on the same page. Remember, a well-prepared team can handle the intricacies of cloud migration more effectively. 

Select the Right Cloud Partner 

Your choice of cloud service provider can make or break your migration journey. Opt for a provider with a proven track record in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. Providers like we-IT offer solutions specifically designed for your needs, ensuring a smoother transition. 

Plan for Data Security 

Security should be at the forefront of your migration strategy. Make sure your provider offers robust security measures and compliance with relevant regulations. Regular security audits can help maintain the integrity of your data during and after the migration process. 

Monitor and Optimize 

Once the migration is complete, continuous monitoring is essential. Use analytics tools to track performance and identify areas for improvement. Cloud environments are dynamic; they require ongoing optimization to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investment. 

By following these tips, you can navigate the complexities of cloud migration and position your architecture firm for greater efficiency, collaboration, and innovation. Embrace the change, and let the cloud propel your firm to new heights.

Case Studies: Success Stories of London Architecture Firms in the Cloud

Case studies offer compelling evidence of how effective cloud adoption can be for architecture firms. Three renowned London-based firms—Smith & Partners, UrbanBlue, and GreenScape Designs—illustrate the transformative power of cloud technology. 

Smith & Partners: This mid-sized firm faced challenges with data storage and remote collaboration. After transitioning to a cloud-based platform, they noticed an immediate improvement in project coordination. Architects could easily access design files from anywhere, significantly boosting productivity and reducing project delays. 

UrbanBlue: Specializing in sustainable architecture, UrbanBlue leveraged cloud solutions to enhance their energy performance analysis. By using cloud-based simulation tools, they could run energy consumption models faster and more accurately. This not only improved their design efficiency but also helped them win more eco-conscious clients. 

GreenScape Designs: Known for their innovative landscape architecture, GreenScape Designs adopted cloud computing to streamline their rendering processes. With powerful cloud servers, they reduced rendering times from hours to minutes, allowing them to iterate designs quickly and present more refined concepts to clients in less time. 

These examples vividly demonstrate that embracing cloud technology can lead to significant enhancements in efficiency, collaboration, and innovation. For London architecture firms, moving to the cloud is not just a trend—it's a pivotal step toward future-proofing their operations and staying ahead in a competitive industry.